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Medications Treatment Options for Genital and Oral Herpesvirus Infections (HI)
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Natural Remedies Preventing Outbreaks Without Drugs

Discount Drugs
By special arrangement with an on-line website, Herpes.org has arranged for special discount prices for visitors to the website. Contact Dr. H at the website for a referral to a low-cost pharmacy.

Natural Remedies
Michele PicozziMichele Picozzi is a member of the Herpes.Org Advisory and Editorial Board, and author of the book "Controlling Herpes Naturally: A Holistic Approach to Prevention & Treatment". Here are some articles she has written for us:

    • 10 Things You Need to Know about Preventing Outbreaks Without Drugs

Visit Michele's website at http://www.herpesnomore.southpawpress.com/.